The Quest For A Tea Museum

IT all began with a question from my second grade student: “How much is one million?” I responded with: “It is a big number that looks like 1 followed by 6 zeros.” But how would I show that child what a million actually looked like? I decided that the best way to show them, was to collect one million items. What those items would be, would change my life.

I chose to collect a million tea tags.  So my quest began. Then one day at a summer curriculum workshop I continued to collect tea tags by asking my colleagues to give me theirs. One teacher suggested I write a letter to a newspaper about my quest.  I contacted The New York Times, and on November 27, 1988 an article about my quest appeared in the NJ edition. Following that article I received additional media attention, including over 80 articles and numerous radio and TV coverage.

Thousands of tea tags came “pouring in” and I added unique educational activities related to the collecting of a million tea tags to my curriculum.

As a result, my personal interest in tea “everything” began to take off.

Today I possess an overflowing collection of everything related to tea. And I mean everything! There is always something about tea “brewing” in my house.

With much joy, I would like to share my collection with the world by establishing a unique tea museum to emphasize the following:

  1. Look at what you can do with one idea!
  2. Look at the kindness of strangers!
  3. Look at how you can reach the world in a positive way!
  4. Tea is universal and can bring people from all over the world, together.

Teaneck Tea

I was a TEAcher in TEAneck,NJ ….So of course I had to create  TEAneck TEA!

TeaneckTea The quest for a “tea”rrific tea company to create  Teaneck Tea began with a library search. After exploring different tea companies, I was fortunate to gain the interest of Harney&Sons Fine Teas.

I explained my ideas to Mr. John Harney, and he suggested that the children in my 2nd grade class draw their own tea pictures and select a flavor of tea. The children drew their pictures and selected mango flavor for the tea. Thus, Teaneck Tea was born…  I explained to Mr. Harney that I did not want any monetary compensation, I only wanted to donate part of the profits from the sales of the tea to purchase books for my school library.

In 1993 Teaneck Tea was introduced to the public and to date over $6000.00 worth of library books have been donated to 3 elementary schools from Teaneck Tea profits.   Imagine TEA=BOOKS!

Please allow this unique idea to continue by purchasing Teaneck Tea for only $6.00 a tin. Each tin contains 10 beautiful silken sachets of delicious mango flavored black tea.